sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007


In a small, green bathroom she is staring at the mirror. She doesn’t move an inch. She is looking inside her, deeper than she ever did before. Her black, long hair hangs loose; her eyes look dark and tired. She washes her face quickly, grabs a towel and keeps staring. She takes a deep breath, opens the door and leaves. Someone is waiting for her. Her life is about to change. She will never be the same.

4 comentarios:

Andrés Schmucke dijo...

Las medias, donde estan las medias???

Anónimo dijo...

You´re amazing

Anónimo dijo...

Sabes, cada vez que te leo puedo transportarme al espacio y al tiempo de tus historias. Me encuentro de pronto metido en tu mundo. Eres buena, chamita. Me gusta lo que escribes y como lo escribes.

Zaro dijo...

This is a great image. Shoot it girl...come on! Shoot it in film.