viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

I´m going home.

El semestre se acabó. Las ojeras están como nunca. Las dos semanas finales son intensas. Estuve terminando mi anteproyecto de tesis, trabajando en el guión, editando mi final de Dirección 2, ayudando en algunos rodajes... Tengo muy pocas horas de sueño encima. Mañana parto, al fin. Lo único que no me gusta es lo mucho que me tardo en llegar. Van a tener que pasar 16 horas desde el momento en que tranque la puerta de mi apartamento, hasta el momento en que le pueda dar un beso a mi novio, que estará en Maiquetía. Esas horas finales antes de verlo, son eternas.

Dentro de seis horas llega mi taxi. La maleta lista. Los zapatos casi no caben. Como siempre...

Quiero llegar ya.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

I'm a Motherlover.

SNL Awesomeness on Mother's Day.

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

Mujer 1:
¿Qué más? ¿Qué hicieron anoche?

Mujer 2:
Llegamos a Opah como a las 11 y después nos fuimos a Beach Bar como hasta las 4.

Mujer 3:
¿"Fuimos"? Eso me suena a poliedro. Yo ya no salgo. Yo me voy a casar.
Nada peor que una mujer que conscientemente se abandona y deja de ser quien es. El mismo comentario lo he escuchado aplicado a diferentes situaciones:
- Yo ya dejé la obsesión con el gimnasio. Me voy a casar.
- Epa, este vestido está como corto, ¿no? Mira que me voy a casar.
- Me voy a casar. Menos mal porque ya no quiero hacer otro postgrado.
Y así, cada caso es más infeliz que otro. A todas las mujeres con esta mentalidad retrógrada, machista y patética: Ser auténtica es un privilegio que jamás conocerás. No importa lo que hagas, nunca serás genuinamente feliz.

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009

Cinematic Orgasms.

Last weekend I was on a film set. I was helping a friend shooting her thesis. Chico was there too. (I still have to write about him, you all have to meet Chico). The first night was hard, we had an 8 pm crew call, which meant we were going to shoot all night long until 6 am. At 5:25 am, Chico and I left, we were extremely tired and he was drunk, sleepy drunk. I was ok, until I got home and I fell on my bed. 

The rest of the time we shot at the soundstages. During a lunch brake, we were talking about how I am going to have Chico attached to me when I am incredibly famous and rich (right...), and then we started talking about how we like the same type of stories: good stories, well written. Simple, right? Well, it's not that simple. I remembered a movie we recently watched: Rachel Getting Married. I told him about how they shot it. It went something like this:

- So, they finished the script and they NEVER rehearsed with the actors. Ever!

- What??? What do you mean?

- Well, I mean they wrote the script, they rewrote it, and then they showed up at the house where they were going to roll. 

- Oh my God...

- They never rehearsed, they had 5 or 6 cameras rolling at the same time, and nobody knew for sure where the cameras were going to be...

- Oh my God...

- So, actors didn't think in terms of shots, they did it in terms of scenes, they had to be in character all the time, because cameras were following them all the time...

- Oh my God...

- The DP placed all the lights in the ceiling, so they wouldn't show in the shots...

- Oh my God...

- And the director wouldn't talk to the actors when they asked about objectives, motivations and subtext. "The hell with subtext, just go and do it"

- I am having a cinematic orgasm. Oh my God! (Chico pretends to be smoking a cigarette). I'm having a cinematic orgasm...

Thank you, Chico, for making me laugh. I really needed it.

CINEMATIC ORGASMS: spontaneous contractions of the genitalia that happen when someone tells you that a movie you totally loved was actually made by following the nonrules of the improvisational style.