jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007

Can you see me?

What ever happened to being happy? What ever happened to waking up every morning feeling that your life is not a mess? Don’t you just want to go back in time sometimes? Don’t you just want to go back to your first kiss when everything was perfect and flawless? Don’t you just want to go back to the day you ate your first cotton candy?

How come everything got so complicated? How is it possible that we can hurt each other just by opening our mouths? I long for the day when having ice-cream and holding hands meant the world. I long for the day when I could see the people I loved not only in my mind but also by my side.

I want to wear my pink dresses again. I want to walk every day to my little, old, almost perfect pier. I want to see the sun coming down from that castle again. I want to lie on the grass and count the stars. I want to play that song that someone once wrote for me. I just want to hold your hand and pretend we’re five years old. I want to look you in the eyes and understand what I can’t understand today. I want you to see me like no one did before, but can you?

Don't let me go away. Don't let me go...

What ever happened to getting each other? What ever happened to laughing? What ever happened to you and me?

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I can

Anónimo dijo...

Hey I was just surfing the net and I found your blog, which is great. I'll keep visiting. You know I've asked that same question in my life, sometimes I wonder if the person next to me, the one who I go to bed with every night really sees me. That's why this post got me, and the images you suggest, the cotton candy, the ice-cream, the first kiss...I believe we all feel every once in a while that melancholy for our childhood. Very poetic. I loved it. Cheers.

Anónimo dijo...

Noo que ladilla mejor es el blog de Centella, esto es muy aburrido

Anónimo dijo...

Tremendo pajúo el cobarde que no escribe su nombre

Unknown dijo...

Justo lo que hace falta en el mundo otro "anónimo" totalmente inútil y desechable

Anónimo dijo...

jajajaja...por favor no nos juzguen por lo que dice cualquier idiota